Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sojourners Backing Cindy Sheehan

Meanwhile, Sojourners, a publication devoted to the thinking of left-of-center Christians, has adopted Cindy Sheehan. Interestingly enough their approving story on Sheehan was written by one Robert Jensen, a journalism professor at the University of Texas. Jensen describes himself as "not of the church" but his article was based on a speech he gave inside a church building, which makes it Christian, I guess. Sojourners also provided a link to Sheehan's Gold Star Families for Peace, so for now at least Jim Wallis' outfit is committed to Cindy.

As I warned yesterday, Cindy Sheehan is in over her head as a political spokesperson, and emotionally she just seems like she's not ready for the responsibility she has taken on herself. Rather than tell us about her son, which might be both therapeutic for her and valuable to the national discourse, (the basic human cost of war shouldn't be forgotten) Ms. Sheehan continues to repeat the caustic rhetoric of the radical left, full of sinister neocons pursuing blood for oil, led by the man she calls "that filth-spewer and warmonger, George Bush."

It can be dangerous to psychoanalyze from a distance, and I'm not a psychiatrist, so call the following a gut feeling: you remember the five stages of grief don't you? Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance? Well Cindy Sheehan strikes me as someone who is stuck in Anger. That's a bad place to be for nearly a year and a half. You build up a lot of bile that's liable to come out at the wrong time. Need evidence? Sheehan alluded to her anger problem when she spoke at a Veterans for Peace Convention earlier this month and said "...I know I don't look like I'm outraged, I'm always so calm and everything, that's because if I started hitting something, I wouldn't stop til it was dead. So I can't even start, cause I know how dangerous that would be..."

There is a very real chance that the Cindy Sheehan media stunt will all end very badly, and Sojourners is adopting her without reservation and with only a pretense of attempting to put her in some sort of biblical perspective.

Just be on your toes Jim. The next time Ms. Sheehan turns ugly you don't want any of the acid to get on your magazine.


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